Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - 1000 Islands

Monday, March 29, 2010

Quick Update - My Aunt and the Bear

I've been busy this past week. My Aunt has passed away. It was complications due to a fall which injured her hip. I have been speaking to relatives on the phone, plus went to her funeral. I'm sure that I will write more about my dear Aunt later on.

I have also been studding the Bear of a disease that I think I have. I asked my doctor why he was so concerned about my blood test, and he finally said that it could be that bear of a disease. I will see the specialist in about a week, and possibly be diagnosed. I hope my self-diagnosis is incorrect. The specialist wouldn't see me if it was nothing. So I know that I have a disease. My counselor is going to give me a dry run of the consultation. I'm am frightened of this whole thing. My mother died at the age of 52 of something similar. I'm am a few years younger. I'm not the most organized person, and need to get my questions in order, so my counselor will help. I will have further tests when I see the specialist. I was going to keep this all quiet from my family until I knew for sure, but it slipped out. A relative will be going with me to the same clinic that treated my mother for 10 years before she died. The same clinic that might be giving me a similar diagnosis. It's all very frightening!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Music

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

YIPPEE! The Health Care Reform Bill Passed!

Although I think they could have done better on the bill, I'm glad that it passed. I have been reading blogs by some people who couldn't get life saving treatments or drugs because they either didn't have health care, or had inferior health care. Some passed way because the "richest country in the world" doesn't have a proper health care system. It is not just sad to me, it's scary! I might be diagnosed with a serous disease, and I don't have health care Insurance. I'm afraid that once I'm diagnosed that the insurance companies will reject me, and that one day I might be in a critical situation. Unfortunately health insurance companies can still reject someone with a previous diagnosis until 2014 even with this bill. However, it is better then what is happening now. Reform that saves lives is good in my eyes!
Read about the bill - WebMD: Myths vs. Facts

Friday, March 19, 2010

Random Chick Goes Gay Crazy!

My Twitter buddy Random Chick came up with two good posts about gays. I hope that you'll take time to read them. The posts are...

That's So Gay

That's So Gay - Part Deux

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Quick Update - Spring?

SRING IN "ROCHESTER? - The news said that the East coast is getting slammed by severe rainstorms and floods. Not in Rochester. Yes, we are getting a good rainstorm, but nothing out of the ordinary. Flooding in low lands. In fact it seems more like Spring here! We recently enjoyed 7 days of sunshine in a row with temps 48-61. More beautiful weather starts Tuesday. Yippee! If winter isn't over, then this is one heck of a nice respite! MYSTERIOUS DISEASE UPDATE - I have a copy of my CBC, and think I know what it means, thanks to the net. Not good, but no immediate danger expected. I will see the hematologist the first week in April. I expect him to comfirm it. More waiting. Maybe waiting is good because it helps me to come to terms with a bear of a disease. BORING - Sorry that my updates are so boring. I can't wait until the festivals start! They are always fun! I'll get out + about, and tell you some nice things instead of the same old crap. Thanks for sticking around and caring! I really appreciate you folks!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Congratulations! Gay marriage allowed in Washington D.C.!

Congatulations to all the newlyweds in Washington D.C. !

We now have six states that allow same-sex wedding ceremonies. D.C. joins "Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa and Vermont in performing same-sex marriages. New Hampshire will begin performing them in January."

"Same-sex marriage was approved last year in California, but the practice later was struck down by a voter referendum."

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - What do you see?

I'm posting this from my cell phone so.... (Imagine a photo here) ... What do you see? ... I see dancing monkeys in purple skirts. Hm, now why am I seeing that!? ;)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Bit Blue Today

The hematologist who was suppose to call regarding interpreting my CBC hasn't called yet. It's been about 6 weeks since my CBC was taken. I informed my doctor, (Homer Simpson), Apparently I don't have a very rapid growing disease/infection, or I would be hospitalized by now. Sheesh! I still think it might be that bear of a disease. I've been reading about it. The treatments are painful, and barbaric. Apparently Dr. Josef Mengele, (nazi doctor notorious for his cruel experiments at Auschwitz), dreamed them up. I'm not going to see my shrink this week, I've rescheduled. I don't want to talk about all this latest crap with him, at lest not until I know what's wrong with me. However, part of me dosn't want to be diagnosed. If i have this disease it will change my life, and not in a pleasent way.