Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What's That Song? (LIQUID ILLUZION)

I heard a song playing in the supermarket the other day. It was familiar, yet not enough that I knew all the words. I stopped dead in my tracks as I tried to remember where I heard it, and what significance it had. Then it hit me. A smile came to my face. It was a song from LIQUID ILLUZION'S Playlist that she use to have on her blog. I listened to the song with a broad smile on my face. For a moment it seemed that she was listening too.
Suzanne's blog use to be a refuge for me. I slept very little in those days, filled with depression and anxiety. For some reason it gave me comfort to listen to her Playlist while reading a post or two. I felt accepted, and welcomed by her. Little did I know that she was suffering great inner turmoil, and was depressed too. I'm grateful that I had a chance to know her a bit. I'm grateful to her for allowing me to hang out at her blog, and for sharing her life. For being a comfort to me, although she never knew it. I wish I had the time to get to know her better.
The song was Paper Airplanes by Rosie Thomas. <-- Click to hear it on Playlist.

i wish he could see
how beautiful he is to me
i wish i could stay out of his way
but thats much too hard for me

i wish we could fly away
on a paper airplane

he tells me everything
calls me his martin luther king
says he's good at running far

i tell him everything
call him by the wrong name
say i'm good at chasing stars

i wish we could fly away
on a paper airplane
i wish we could fly away
on a paper airplane

And thank you Amias for keeping your good friends' blog open, and maintaining it so well. And sharing her with others.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Bob Dylan in Canandaigua, NY

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Lake Ontario meets Irondequoit Bay

Inlet between Lake Ontario and Irondequoit Bay in Rochester, NY.

Testing ... One, Two, Tree

This it my first online photo using my new cell phone. Not to bad for a cheep cell! There are several of these lovely white trees blooming in my area. I will have more area photos soon.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Flasher Among Us

We have a flasher in the East Rochester area. A man who is exposing himself in public.

When I was a kid we use to call them streakers. They were often nudists who weren't hurting anyone. So I wasn't worried about this flasher until I heard that he exposed himself to girls at a high school. No way! Not kids! Now that's crossing the line.

The guy has flashed several times. Nowadays, since everyone has a cell phone you would think that the police would be called and pick him up. I hope they get Mr. Flasher soon.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Update - Working on Getting Better

Although my updates all sound the same these days, it occurred to me that I'm doing something healthy. I'm working hard to get better both physically and mentally.

Counseling - I give my counselor mixed reviews. On one hand he seems to flounder without focus. However, when I push him, he shows some knowledge. Once again I told him how frightened I was that I might go back into a more severe depression. I mentioned it several times during one session, and he finally heard me. He told me a few things which were helpful. Then gave me homework. Four things to do aimed at keeping me out of severe depression. Not particularly hard things, but practical. Small steps. Well, it's about time! Finally I feel like we might be getting somewhere. However, I would feel better if he had tested me and got a base line to compare. Instead he has an off the cuff, unorganized approach that doesn't get me far fast.

Medical - I've had to push hard to get to see a specialist. I had to push my doctor Homer Simpson like crazy. The specialist is in the mist of testing me. He wants to do a CaT scan, but it will take awhile to get it funded. So I wait for the phone call. However, the specialist did rule out one major disease that I could have had. But he did say that I defiantly should not have abnormal cells in my blood. So the question remains - What is my disease, and is it curable? Hopefully further testing will reveal it.

Now that the depression has lessened I'm trying hard to get better. I pray that God meets me half way.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Rochester Lilac Festival is soon!

Rochester Lilac Festival is coming soon - May 14-23.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Pass The Suntan Lotion. It's 86 Degrees!

Ah! Enjoying a preview of summer. It's a record breaking 86 (30c)! Tomorrow it's suppose to be 84. Then we have a bit of a cool down into the high 60's, but still nice. The weather in Rochester, NY has been unbelievable! No rain. In fact it's been on the dry side. Dry heat baby! ~Sipping Iced Tea~ What do you like to do in summer like weather?